We need your help! Our home of 79 years is no more!
As you know we are looking to build a top qualify facility for our community – by “buying a brick” you will directly help our club secure the funding needed to deliver the best facility possible for generations to come.
The new club will not only be a fabulous facility for cricket, but a hub for the town and local communities to use.
To help us to do this, we are offering you an amazing opportunity! You can literally be a part of our stunning new clubhouse!
The cost of each brick is £100 for an individual, and £250 for a business. OR – for a minimum donation of £500 you can purchase a Golden brick!
You name, or business name, will be forever etched onto our very special “buy a brick, build and legacy” wall in the new clubhouse.
Simply click the link below (Or scan the QR Code) and complete the online form indicating whether a gift aid claim can be made- Each gift aid donation allows us to recover an additional 25% - and pay online!
Print off the form below and return to the fundraising team - you can then make a BACS transfer directly to the Buy-a-Brick campaign.